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No, it's not the newest snack craze. The Mogan Man reveals some unseen clips from the past season, a great Minn Kota giveaway, and our Mogan of the Week. On this week's episode, Capt. Blair shows us four segments that might have ended up on the cutting room floor featuring Tripletail, Bonefish, Kingfish and Tarpon.
Day in and day out, through my crusty aquarium glass, I watch Mr. Producerman clicking and pasting, editing and re-editing clips for the Addictive Fishing show. Luckily for all of us, he's a perfectionist, and it shows every week. By the end of the season, there's a bunch of stuff, aka Bits and Bites, that didn't quite make the cut for the show, but are interesting and fun to watch, none the less. Tune in to The Sportsman Channel on Saturday at 8 PM and again at 11 PM and watch Capt. Blair whack a few more fish from the past season with some of the best guides in the business. Really cool stuff.
Buy One Get One NOW at Dick's . . . You can't beat this deal, but you've got to beat the clock! Sale ends Saturday, March 16th. Buy any Blair Wiggins GEN2 Flats Blue rod and get a Sabalos reel FREE! (Offer is good in all Florida stores and coastal stores in Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, S. Carolina & N. Carolina, while supplies last. Call your local Dick's Lodge Manager for details.)
Win a Minn Kota Talon . . . Minn Kota will be giving away 4 Talons - one Talon a week - until March 22!!! To be eligible to win just "Like" their page on Facebook, click on the "Talon Giveaway" tab in the menu bar on the page, and submit your entry form. Besides, who doesn't like Minn Kota anyway!!
The wait is almost over. . . The new season of Addictive Fishing will be starting in April!!! I hope to be posting the scheduled air times next week.
Mogan of the Week . . . Robert Becker whacked this redfish in Tampa Bay fishing a D.O.A CAL shadtail in golden bream color. Nice job Robert !!!
Remember to stop by the NEW Mogan Lounge, tell a few tall tales and post those Mogan pics. Who knows, you may be our next Mogan of the Week!!!
Thanks to everyone who has joined the Lounge so far.
Warm up those DVR's, it's gonna be another AWESOME season of Addictive Fishing!!!
Peace out,
Catfish Whatley