There's a new cat in town...
Slimy bottom dweller takes up residence in the AF office aquarium. In this week's AF episode Mr. Mogan lays the smack down on some Everglades snook with Capt. Kevin Mihailoff. An amazing limited supply offer from DOA Lures, mogan of the week goes international, and the Weekend Warrior Challenge needs you!!!

Sea trout fanatics
D.O.A. Lures has a great deal on 3" shrimp that came in as a color mix up. They are pearl with hot pink tails, #446. As a lot of you know, this is a deadly color combo for sea trout, especially in low light stained water conditions and we're also hearing reports that the snook and redfish are killing this color. Check out the awesome deal on their website. $1.99 for a 3 pack. WOW!!! (Save $5.00) Get them while supplies last because when they're gone...They're gone!!!
Mogan of the week
This week we travel way down south to Samara, Costa Rica for a 34.2 lb. monster snook caught by Frank Fines while fishing a live mullet on 12 lb. mono. Awesome job Frank !!!
Will you accept the "challenge"?
Slots are still available but are filling up fast for the AF Weekend Warrior Challenge presented by Dick's Sporting Goods coming up on Nov. 2nd and 3rd, 2012. We like to keep Capt. Blair on his toes, so we'd like you to come out and see if you're up to the challenge with a little friendly fishing competition. You can fish from shore, kayak (oops, I think I spelled that backwards) or boat. A $25 entry fee gets you in the tournament and you will receive a tournament goody package loaded with some of the coolest AF gear around. ($50 value !'re already ahead) There's an incredible prize list not to mention bragging rights for the top anglers in several categories. Tournament proceeds will benefit some very cool and very important fishing research and conservation programs. Talk about a win-win!!! Almost makes you wonder if they're gearing up for a new tournament series...hmmm? So quit reading and start clicking right here for all the juicy details and to pre-register. Hope we see you there!!!
Now, somebody pass the stink bait...